Eminence Group

takes care of your health.

■ Methods of nanosization


■ Limit of nanosized size

The change of physical and chemical properties vs. specific surface area
How to seek the limited constant of specific surface area for organic material (plant)


■ The risks of plant (and its extract) after nanosized


■ The safety inspection for plant (and its extract) after nanosized


■ The stability evaluation for plant (and its extract) after nanosized


■ The technology of size detecting for nanosized size limit of plant (and its extract) and the required maximum size


■ The lost component(s) of plant (and its extract) during nanosizing process and its influence(s)


■ The technology of how to maintain the stability of the setting size of the plant (and its extract) after nanosizing and how to avoid the accumulation effect

Eminence Biotech Co., Ltd.

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